Thursday 4 November 2010

This post worth 1000 births

Yes. This post worth 1000 births. You had wasted your thousands of births already and you may also have to do it in future also. If you scroll of this post it may continue for ever. Spend few minutes and read the following.

In this post  I am to explain the total mysticism of  future. Then only you will have some better idea and can avoid births and also can enjoy your present life also. .

We were  always here  and we will be here for ever. Our lives are not contemporary ours is an episode of a mega serial. With my little bit of experience I had realized it. People say that  our fortune and misfortunes  had been decided by the God.

But I felt that our present life story had been choose by us. In this jagannataka every soul is empowered to achieve enlightenment. with this goal only all of us taking births. As it is our right by birth  the God had given us every capacity to do the needful

After the completion of previous birth... When we were with astral  body the above said capacity was in peak and  we had analyzed our deeds and actions at our previous birth(s). we prepared a list of the things which  were creating  obstacles in the path of our spiritual development. ( ie. In time marriage, good husband, job security etc)

To achieve enlightenment at least in the next birth ( I mean our  present birth) we had strike off the things.

But at that time we were with astral body and our target was enlightenment. But now we are with physical body and our aim is worldly life.

As we had decided and designed our next birth we had waited for the planetary position which may help us to take a birth suitable for tremendous sadhana - achieving enlightenment.

We had entered in to the suitable  mother's  U tress  and born to lead a (miserable) life essential for restless  sadhana for enlightenment.  The born baby will be not able to identify the difference between  she and an other thing (puppy/cow/ even the toy) .Slowly the parents, relatives, teachers insert ego in to that fresh mind.

As long as the baby is   ego less it will be   the part and partial of this nature it doesn't cares the worldly thing except its instincts based on previous births.

As well as ego is in the previous memories go to the deepest location of mind. It forgets all of its pain for getting the life which it is leading. It is the problem of every  human being with the life.

They doesn't know that this life & horoscope  was choose by themselves with a goal to attain enlightenment  and they always ask astrologers for remedies which are going on at their lives.

If there are bunch of facilities (success in studies, love, in time marriage,good life partner,, pretty children,plenty of health,wealth , name and fame  in your life you have to realize that all of these things are the conspiracy of the Maya to make you forget the Almighty.

It may lead you to sorrows, defames, mental tensions, separations, failures,poverty,loss of job etc. It is the mercy of the God to  make you to  remember him.

What I advice you is don't forget the God  and your target ( enlightenment) even if you born with silver spoon.

You have to think that all the worldly things offered are the conspiracy of Maya. If you can sustain the sadhana you may not have to pass through

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Planets Speaking: VENUS

If anyone gets wealth, somebody says “He has filled with Venus wave length”. It is true too. I have donate, palace like home, four wheeler like car, gorgeous wife, well-set furniture, silk dresses, perfume goods, deep sleeps, testy food, snacks, dance, music, when placed at good state. I am powered with these matters.

If you take food for hungry not filled with pizza, if you taken drink for thrust, you have more thrust with cock. Yea! I powered cock and pizza.

Five star hotel, air conditioned room, sleeper, southeast, opposite sex, unseen organs, silver goods are based on my power. Anyone has troubles in his privacy life; I am not good in his horoscope. if I am as inauspicious, it makes impotent in sex, sex vulgarity, sex scandal to the human.

Here, I give a special prescribe to you…you can do this even what kind of state of on your horoscope. It makes me a cool… so you relieve from your grief.

1) Be as single, if not get marriage
2) Make sex by monthly twice
3) Except your luxury, fancy, lavish and sumptuous.
4) Apart from vehicles,
5) Get blessing from married women by donate objects (silver material is special)
6) Donate soap, comb, mirror and bangle to relative women (not a blood relative girls)
7) Clear the dig, septic tank in the southeast.
8) Be apart with dance, music, meeting, stage play and cosmetic


What you get without struggle, these are God’s gift. You are develop awfulness by arrange the goods and anything in the life. Consequently have ready to drop it; by the way you drop dangerous too. Do not hang with dropped objects, otherwise you will be bushed into unearth.

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Planets speaking:Kethu

The norm is here “No one makes disaster like Kethu”. Yea! I am
making disaster with friendship, relationship, relation with heart and
blood. Do you know? I am a holy giver. My duty is guide or change the
Part of God Krishna
Tied with other one as chain

human to the holy way. When the human take part this way? Everyone
makes tragedy on his or her life, and get unexceptional feelings.
Tragedy only makes holy path.
In this period, 2010 the Chief Minister Mr. Karunanithi gets my
Let us see my powered areas… make wounds, hair bug, anxiety,
loss, unknown crisis, poverty in home, food, dress, unaimed life, saint,
yoga, Vedic, horrific thoughts, like tricks, doubts for miserable made
by other, fear like, being sleep near of snakery, drop by confident
persons, Try go abroad and being loss money from fake travel
agency. Missed your passport, visa and announce of war, when you
are in foreign country, Being part in crises and missed the route.
Here, I give a special prescribe to you…you can do this even what
kind of state of on your horoscope. It makes me a cool… so you relieve
from your grief.
1) Simple in life
2) Prepare food for saints
3) Pray in temples of other religion
4) Learn meditation

5) Worship unroofed God “Vinayaga20”
6) Wear “Lapis lazuli” or “Cat’s eye” stone rings
7) Be dressed in as saint at weekly once
8) Be apart from program, parties, picnic and tour
Additionally, I and Rahu are being with 180 degree direction. So you
can do your prescribes as both Rahu and Kethu at once. We are some
of equivalent on worships. God ordered to us… me Kethu serving like
as Mars, Rahu serving like as Saturn. By the way of ours prescribes, be
aware with Saturn and Mars controlled matters.

Monday 2 August 2010

Planets speaking: Saturn


I have most of rumor like the Mars. I am based on life, raise your life time is my duty. When your life raise? I raise the life all times, when got the good home on sky. No way free from disease, otherwise “the disease marks health” is natural medical norms.

On the way, good of mine, human enjoyed lives, later gets assimilation (like water, air, and food), elimination (like sweat, urinal and feces, out the carbon dioxide) problems. The ex-ordinary is stored on body by hard works. The action of dropout is called disease.

I am making part of different results on my 19 years of acceptance. If not do anything of my first part, I have a good state in horoscope. Otherwise, if I am an unfaith or life giver on the horoscope, doing best in first part, worst in second part. You follow the same rules on the period on present circle of “Elaraichani” .As by rule; I am not given worst in second part, like first.

The way of raise your life is 1) doing hard works 2) Do not waste your time for body clean. Do not fear about the period of “Elaraichani” (seven and half year). All men’s achievements were done this time only. Enjoy makes weakness. A difficulty gives strength.

I have finished the circle of Home (Rasi) chakra by 30 years. On the way of circle, I give the best of from the 3, 6, 10 and 11 of 4 homes only. At these 4 homes, on the 2nd time of circle, the man gets 10 years of goodness and lifetimes.

I am a sentinel, as an offer and acquire any type of position… you get the best from me by stand at good homes; otherwise you get punishment from bad home status. Never kill anyone on my “Thisah” or “Elaraichani” times. It happens only on time of circles, with other inauspicious Planet joins or views me. Ok, Here I come to end of selfness.

Shrink cheek, curved body by backbone, inner placed eyes, legs, calm, long timed project, harvest, quarry, oil grind, buffalo, dalit people, worker, iron, granite, oil seeds, odor, tortured works, south and black color are mine.

By additionally lazy, week mind, nerve, anus, cure from death kind of problem, glass, soldier, workers union, bitter goods, horrible goods, late, long live, separation, sadness, Slovenes, being jailed and constipation. If you have a good and fine movement on your life, I am be with you good state. Otherwise I am not good state on your horoscope.

Here, I give a special prescribe to you…you can do this even what kind of state of on your horoscope. It makes me a cool… so you relieve from your grief

1) Use only gingelly oil for cook
2) Drop black color cloth, use blue
3) Donate old goods and irons to poor
4) Do not use scent, sprayer
5) Drink Neem juice
6) Add in your food list, herbal plant and bitter guard
7) Saturn has blue based stone, so fit it on iron based or silver based material. (Silver goes to Venus, here Venus is friendly with Saturn) Do not fit in gold. Wear by ring and bangle.
8) Reconstruct your old house.
9) Try to set garden without profit
10) Escape from my controlled professions
11) Do meditations
12) Worship the village border Gods
13) Give lift to others, who want go to police station, court, hospital and grave yard. If you feel safe, go with them.
14) Do not attention for neatness
15) Clear the plain space, dig on south

Planets speaking : JUPITER

Have you meaning of “Punarabi maranam, Punarabi Jananam”, “death like as asleep, awake is birth”?

Human is ever birth and have good states of horoscope, if he worship priest on his life period. Otherwise I am not good on your horoscope and some of priest or holy man resolves their settlements with you. You can match it for all Planets.

Birth has one type of resolves. But we forget, trying getting more and more. God divide the human as nine parts in the world and who controlled with nine Planets.

Sun controlled mountaineers, Moon controlled Celebrities wives and merchants, Mars controlled brave man or soldier, brothers, Rahu controlled other language or nationalities, Kethu controlled other religion, Venus controlled opposite sex, pregnant wives of priest, Saturn controlled Dalith and workers, same as me controlled priest and bishop.

One of strong believes is… which Planet gives the awfulness to you in this life, you are agreed to serve that ruled humans. OK, I have to lime-light all of secrets… God may ask me how you give the details, what we discussed on our assembly.
Anyway, past life’s resolving is conformed. You can choose the as whole part or single types of resolve. Not give only words; later you lose your public opinion. We are ready to give uncounted tragedy too.

You have a chance to escape from this kind of awfulness, provide all from your side of matter or object, what controlled from ours. Can you understand?

I am a supervisor for gold, finance, politic, religion, charity, temples and northeast. Additionally, these are controlled by me, son, grandson, court, treasury, topaz, priest, knowledgeable men, heart, stomach, memory, epic, Veda, service center, Ruling language, Government home development, cashier, conductor and target with plan.

I have merged with Thakshinamoorthy, Saibaba and Sri Ragavendra. How is your story? What is the answer for these questions? Have gold, perception, political riches, and proper aged marriage, have child? If you answer is “yes”, I am Ok, with you. I am doing best of.

Registered case in court, borrow money for interest, hypertension, fail to remember, abdomen problems, missing gold by stealing and insolvent are done by me, if I am not good on your horoscope.
Here, I give a special prescribe to you…you can do this even what kind of state of on your horoscope. It makes me a cool… so you relieve from your grief

1) Every Thursday make fast to “Thakshinamoorthy” or any of Gurus by yellow wear.
2) Put the gold on locker
3) Do not agree money with interest.
4) Be care with digest
5) Prepare food for priest
6) Use yellow colored cloths
7) Donate for temple, pond, ashram, reconstruction
8) Do not make interest, like and go for above activities
9) Depart from bank, court, temples
10) Get the “Vilva” leaves, at early morning with empty stomach.
11) Clear the dig, upper place, steps at northeast.

Thursday 29 July 2010

Planets speaking: Rahu

Planets speaking: Rahu
I know that even 100 people hadn’t viewed this Blog. Yet I am going on posting new items. I am confident that I am different from all other astrologers. They are just search engines. If you ask them a question related to astrology they will search in to the data available at their minds. They will pick them up and answer. But I conclude that they are out dated.
Why because they had only by hearted the ancient books in astrology. They will give you ready made answers. They will give a single answer forever. Even though the impact of the planets is same the human behavior changed according to the changing social conditions.
When the Rishis and Maharshis framed the astrological guidelines there were joint families, child marriages. Agriculture was the main mode of life, the education was different whole life was different.

In my practice as an astrologer I found that the astrology stood fruitless for many times. So that, I was to think a lot and work hard. With the grace of Almighty I was able to touch the truth. As these truths are the coins thrown by the God in to my bowl, these coins may be invisible to others. One who have the grace of God can only read this post.
OK .Let me give way to Mr.Rahu , he is to tell about himself.


You come to know I am not good state on the horoscope… some of celebrities get drug addict, relationship with rowdies, disappear and sudden appear in life, suicide with poison. Otherwise I have done best of associate with other Planets.

Ex. Rahu + Venus give arts, beauty and dance. Rahu + Mercury give writing skill and communication. Rahu + Mars give martial arts. Rahu + Jupiter give wealth. Some of actors or actresses record them with this kind of status.

At theater man never admit you with your floor ticket to cabin. You cannot ever fool me… therefore I give the end of the life from liquor, drugs and mafia.

A story starts about the Planets… we are like an anti-hero gang, the scene starts… the prime minister agenda is landing at airport, crossing road junction, meeting, rest at guest house. The gang plan to kill him at airport. On the norm of cinema hero will be successful so the prime minister is safe. But the Life is not cinema. We are creation of God not a like cinema gang.

As Example, I stand at 7th home; I set down unattractive girl as a wife. But parents never accept that girl. They will try and try one as gorgeous. As a result, make trouble with her mind, character, and health. I make separate, if she will be saved by other Planets view.
Here, you come to know we, (Rahu and Kethu) stands in 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12th home, this form is called “Sarppathosha”. Now you have understood what we are doing… OK, I talked little over like Sun…

I have powered with cinema, lottery, arrack, forgery, making copy, working at dark places, theft, smuggling, fake goods, cheat, doubt, speculation, share market, tax fraud, poison, English medicine, false, snakery, Durga, black market, disclosure disease, weakness, not even development as a body as a age or spare muscles, other languages.

And more with, smuggle, fraudulent account, snakes, poison species, medical reaction, allergy, abroad with illegal.

Are you free from poison species, or medical reaction? Are you success with duties done at daylight? Are you calm with your language only? Are you fond with cinema or like the cinema? If your answer is Yes, I am good state at your horoscope.

And more, Drug addict, smoker, fraud, unlawful wealth, and release from police station on some of cases I am sure with you as not good.

Here, I give a special prescribe to you…you can do this even what kind of state of on your horoscope. It makes me a cool… do it now… some of do at later as possible. So you relieve from your grief.

1) Worship the snakery, what not worship by priest.
2) Learn other language, like German, French
3) Do photography with hobby
4) Read foreign make books and watch the cinemas based on smuggling and abduct actions
5) Play cards, don’t bet on them
6) Just buy lottery
7) Play snake typed games
8) Draw or stick the dragon picture in your bed room, pillow cover, and bed spread.
9) Be care places where the snake lives
10) Give money to liquor for any old man
11) Get free from liquor addict… (liquor like as poison)

Planets speaking: Mars

Mars, I am the General of the Planets… including Sun, Moon, Rahu (ascending node from Sun), Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Kethu (descending node from Sun) and Venus. If the Planets stand as uncertain, the astrologer said like this “Sun has not power” or “Kethu is in difficulty”. Although I am not in good in your horoscope, the astrologer drops you or said “this horoscope is with quandary”.

You know? My department made this, my controlled subject is too.

Elders, Police, military, railway, fuel, alternative current, weapon, explosion material, fluid of the inner the bone (this fluid product white molecule in blood), anger, fire, argument, common sense,  south direction, sea crystal,  ancient ruler generation, operation, accident, cooking are powered by me.

Fired wound, blood or related disease, contest, sports, NCC, God Muruga, milk, animal with horns, non-veg, adoration to God, blood high - low pressure, ulcer are within my control.

I am in not good state in your horoscope if you said answer yes… your brothers make problems to you and company with your enemy?, are you fired with any flamed accident? Have you gets operation? Love failure?

Otherwise I am good if you getting best wealth in your business, what associated with me.

Here, I give a special prescribe to you…you can do this even what kind of state of on your horoscope. It makes me a cool… So you relieve from your grief.

1)    Donate blood – consult your family Doctor, be clear with your doubts with it. Try to yearly once. It is the idea; if you donate blood, escape from the blood waste by accidents.
2)    Drop non-veg, try to give or prepare kind of food. (it is best if you choose police or electricity foreman friends)
3)    Donate electrical goods to school, library, masque, temple and trust.
4)    You have important with exercise. Try to learn Karate, Judo or other martial arts.
5)    Fill the dig on south or southeast at your home or office
6)    Worship “Subramaniyar”, God who placed on mountain.
7)    Learn meditation
8)    Understand your anger, is the output of laziness. Build up your talent. 
9)    Leave from mine associated parts, drop its wealth

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Planets are speaking: Moon

Northern west is my direction, white pearl, celebrities wives, mother, mothers relative, lungs, kidney, mind, night time, full moon, depression, water related profession, The places, who no point out whom stay with unscheduled timing.

Examples are swimming pool, marriage hall, markets, bus terminal, and railway junction.

More with, boat, Sea travel, fifteen (15) days of pleasure, fifteen (15) days of misery, suddenly trip, love, seasonal trades, works and being with people, rivers, seashore, lady within mothers age, trades within two and quarter days are occurring by me (Moon).

If you are with innovative, youth, public relation, long breath, sudden fortune, and great wealthy, I am form with best state in your horoscope. Otherwise substandard life, changeable trade or works, suffered transfer, depression, diseased mother, suffering disease with lungs, kidneys… I am not good state.

Here, I give a special prescribe to you…you can do this even what kind of state of on your horoscope. It makes me a cool… So you relieve from your grief.

1)    Take the dinner in 14 days, later the new moon day. (Nilachoru)
2)     Get swing
3)    Look the color fishes on the fish tank
4)    Relieve from my associated profession
5)    Beware with dust, tension, smoke
6)    Drink pure water
7)    Worship the goddess without of weapon (Kanyakumari Goddes)
8)     Get the herbal juice
9)    Take the decision on with Moon power days
10)    Don’t let promise (say “Try, Try”, like the Tamilnadu former Prime minster Mr. Kamaraj)
11)    Do not forget, the love is punishing of eyes. (lyric by Kavignar Kannadasan)
12)    Drop the swim, full body bath, sun stroke, iced climate.
13)    Do not set kitchen at northern west and clear the digs.


Hi !
Even though I am a leading blogger in Tamil ( here in English I am a fresher. This seriel which one is been published from yester day is my master peice and was published in many magazines and websites. ie Jothida Boomi, Anmeegam,,, and in my above said blog.There was a striking response for it.

Now I am publishing in this blog as seriel. 

In some cases, they may not  have theri  horoscopes. However you can know whether I am in a good place or not  (  even thou you are not having  your birth date, year and time too. You can make prescribes in this   way.

Imagine  God as    a  Prime minister, Planets as  as ministers. The same kind of action is the share of the duties to the Planets and the minister by God and Prime minister.  We, Planets get the power with the limit of our departmental sources. We are do or do not’s by the base on where we stand and view the homes on the horoscope. We are doing the best or worst by our position by your record. Grant only the best if, I stand on the best place and good state.

East is my direction, bloodstone is mine, clock is granted of mine, soul, father, relationship with father, with father relatives, confident are is based with my power.

Teeth, bones, backbone, left eye, mountains and valley, lotus, advertisement, newspapers are too in my control.  Braze, Tour with planed, consulate, city, town and municipality, open heart speech, slant bodies, uncombed hair, single son, side headache, bone fracture, sleepless is more of mine.

If you have the ideal man as a father and his relation, self confident, management process, I am best in state on your horoscope. Expect I am not good, if you said answer as “yes” on following point… your life goes with teeth infection, bone fracture, inferiority complex, and vengeance or disagree with father and slave employee.

You never escape from me, furthermore of other Planets. You know… we present the awful is equal to armed bullet. You may choose with aptitude where you get the bullet in to heart or shoulder.

As by a norm no of Planet gives 100% of awfulness, similarly not gives 100% of pleasant. Therefore some of details are given above, whom, what is on my control and take the best of from your side. Here, I am with you. Be along with the awful. It makes you happiness.

If you are ready to loss, you get something… you got something you are loser. No way to get more form weak powered Planet… Ex. Small sized pot never gets in excess of rice. You never change the pot, except put the small amount of rice. We all knew, no use of widen dig, excepting deep.

Here, I give a special prescribe to you…you can do this even what kind of state of on your horoscope. It makes me a cool… So you relieve from your grief.

1)    Getting worship to Sun at morning
2)    Read Gayatri mantra
3)    Get the food including of Calcium
4)    Get the result of loss of calcium or uric acid state ups form urine and start therapy.
5)    Drop down your wealth from of my controlled subjects.
6)    Leave your status from my controlled professions and choose the best of from other Planet associated profession.
7)     Replace the dig or stone grind at center of house. 

Sunday 25 July 2010

Logical Remdies for the evil effects of the planets

The Navagraha (Nine Planets- Sun to Mars) is making stimulation in Living beings.  Human gets awful too. It is called Thosha. (Thosha – Quandary). Prescribes are means, the process of prepare yagas (worship to Planets or God) and special ceremony. 

We have to assign prescribes are on three category.

By the way…
1) Worship to Planet or its angel (Every planets has angels)
2) Gets the Temple journey (Every Planets has own Temple, where they beam its energy)
3) Giving as donate to others like, land, cow and serve foods. 

1) Worship to Planet or its angel
What is Worship? It means, put the valuable objects in the flame, what associate by Mars. It brings the well-set on human from awful of Mars. At the same as what kind of objects put on fire, Planets awful is resolve.

Ex. The Venus associate to Silk.

But one thing, come to point where the Mars is stand from the Soul or Lakna home. As a example, Mars is stand on the 5th home,( Based by mind form) Mars angel is God “Subramaniyar”. If we worship to “subramaniyar”, makes well-set the awful? Or just making of fire yaga creates well-set?

We consider the Mars gives the well-set for fire worship, stands on 2nd, 8th, 12th homes. On the way the 2nd home is treasure form. Mars associate with fire, so Human (Jathagan) treasure may afire is result. The 8th home is life, terrible form.  The 12th home is loss, waste away form. So the Mars may spoil the objects by fire. We submit the objects in to the fire by forward, what may come about by the Mars. The Jupiter reduces the awful, we grant the stuff to priest. 

2) Get travel to the Temple journey
We are movable re-charge batteries, Sanctum is Point plug, Temples are AC Transformers, and Holy places are sub-stations. Well set batteries can re-charge at sanctum. If the batteries are not in condition, none of the use on holy places. So how it can re-charge?

3) Giving as donate
The objects, what associate with Planet - reduce that Planets thosha.

Ex. Oil associate with Saturn, gold associate with Jupiter. At the same time, who gets your donate, can reduce similar. Disability or handicap point out the Saturn, Who escaped form flames point out the Mars, the priest point out the Jupiter…

Therefore we make ourselves the damage, what may happen by planets. By the way the damage will be same scale by Planets and us. On this point makes well-set.

Ex. The Mars stands on Star home or Soul home of 8th home, it may reason for mishap (on fire too).  Of course you are going to mountain holy place for God “Subramaniyar”, who stands with Mars. You are giving the worship to God on this Temple. So, Can we bring to a halt the mishap? Think!

As a nature, mishap is conform, may happen spread the blood from our body, why we should not given the blood as a donor?  As a confirmation of mishap, we can just reduce the scale by donate something. Is it right?

Traditional prescriptions are not clear now and given the mistaken by followers. Some of prescriptions increases additionally awful except of reduce. Hit the mango on packed of stones… it is funny. Some of adjustable tricks and traditional prescription is obtainable in the world.

By Ex. The Saturn stands at 7th home, He makes delay the marriage.  Even we make some of adjustable prescriptions by Astrologer advice, try to calm the Saturn. At the end, marriage is come to pass by the Saturn gives blessing. Later we forget the prescriptions and Astrologer. These forget gives divorce or crime case at police station within couple. Therefore the awful, what make by Planets - are never (short-term too) try to stop by prescriptions. In some cases, like same as in English medicine makes quite relief on the disease, later the medicine develops the disease with exacerbate conditions…

Here, I describe in this article, the modern prescription gives the lesson to you the way of admiration with Planets and its awful rays. Never help roots to the tree, when not bend by forced river or flood.  Grass acquires lives for its activity, it stands after the overflow.

You knew medical prescriptions types like Homeopathy, Allopathic and Siddha. Know you another one is here, The Allah Nabhi medical prescriptions?

Yes… The Nabhi make talks to herbals with love and questioned “Can you listed to cure on what types of disease?” The herbal explain by the way of mystical. It is base rule for The Allah Nabhi medical prescriptions.

The Planets speaks here, the same way of herbals, this article brings out…

All grace goes to God. 

Sharp you… Let’s pay attention to the Planets…

(To be cont in next post

Sunday 18 July 2010

Sex & Astrology

Open Talk with an Astrologer: 2

(chittoor Murugeshan aliaz Murugan (43) - my self - is a professional astrologer. He is having wide and deep experience as people's astrologer. Above all he is a leading blogger in Tamil who got 1 lakh 80 thousand hits just in 14 months.)
Q: Generally astrologers try to prove astrology as a science. If it is a science what is the need for the grace of almighty?
A: I want to quote an incident took place in the life of shirdi saibaba. One of his devotee was suffering with loose motions. Due to dehydration he was to die. Baba told him to take some fried ground nuts. Generally ground nuts would spoil the position. But as a miracle his devotee had recovered from loose motions. After some months again the loose motions attacked the same devotee. As Baba told in past he had some fired ground nuts. But the situation turned worst. In the same way all the rules in astrology are just like that ground nut. Only if they were recommended by Baba they will give relief. If we take it independently it may make the life worst.

Q: Thus you deny the statement of those astrologers who advocate as the astrology is a science.
A: Yes. But no astrologer may neglect the stuff in astrology. Stuff is stuff. But the grace of almighty is the must in addition.
Q: There is a little bit of confusion. Conclude whether the astrology is a science or mystic science?
A: I am passing towards that puzzle .It may too early to conclude. But I can say one thing that is “Astrology is the threshold of spirituality and spirituality is the destination of it”
Q: In these days there number of types of astrology? Can you comment on them?
A: ask me one by one
Q: Numerology?
A: while astrology predicts on basis of planetary position at your horoscope numerology treats the numbers as planets. But in my experience whenever the numbers and planets at horoscope coincides then only it works. I mean all the babies born on first of a month may not have the equal impact of sun. Influence differs according to the potentiality of the sun at their horoscope.

If the ascendant of a baby is Leo there me a lot of impact of sun than the other baby

Astrology works without the coincidence with numerology. For example whose birth number/ compound number is not 1 may have the good qualities of the sun if she born in simha lagna .
Q: what do you want to suggest for the learners.
A: One who rushes towards numerology has to learn astrology also. Why because then only he can compare the numbers with the planets at horoscope and can predict the future better.
Q: palm history?
A: In astrology to judge the strength of a planet there are hundreds of rules. In spite of these rules you cannot give a final judgment. But in palm history even a baby can decide the strength of a planet. It is the plus of the palm history. But to determine the period in which your predictions may come true is very difficult in it. For this you have to apply printing ink on the hand of your client. Then you have to have the impression on a record sheet. Then you have to press the needle points along with the lines in handprints after pasting the impression on a clip board .
Q: Oh…Stop it !
B: But in astrology you can give your predictions with time. It is very easy
Q: you are been criticized for mixing porno contents in your essays on astrology
A : In a chart there are 12 houses. Among them ascendant tells about the client along with his sexual behavior, the second house tells about his talks include sex, third house tells about the travels along with his drive to his lover, concubine
Fourth house tells about his resting hours in it he may sleep with a woman, 5th house tells about the thinking of the client including his thoughts on sex, 6th house tells about the credits, deceases, enemies . These may occur due to his sexual behavior also. 7th house tells about his companion in sex, life , 8th house tells his longevity it may be disturbed even with aids . Like this many houses tells about the sex. How can I keep sex far from my posts? There are 9 planets. The Venus , and some house lords influence the gynecological set up of the body ,genetic parts , age of puberty, potentiality, impotence , premature ejaculation etc
Sex is not only the center of body it is the center point of the mind also.
Q: Can you predict the sexual behavior of person only with the help of his chart?

(To be continued..

Saturday 17 July 2010

Open Talk with a Non brahmin Astrologer

chittoor Murugeshan aliaz Murugan (43) is a professional astrologer. He is having wide and deep experience as   people's astrologer. Above all he is a leading blogger in Tamil who got 1 lakh 80 thousand hits just in 14 months.

Q: How did you got interest on astrology?
A: In 1989 I was love with a girl. An astrologer predicted that even if we get married we would be separated with in a day or a week. It came true. I was a egoist I couldnt digest this that an un educated old man was in a position to predict my life. To predict my own future I was to read number of books on astrology
Q: can you say that they were help full?
A: they were of two types. one were written by Brahmins and other  were by non Brahmins.
Q: what is your opinion on books by Brahmins?
A: They were just translating the contents from Sanskrit. They were help full for me to get some preliminary knowledge about the astrology and planets. But the authors were not enough courageous to write their interpretations or experiences. I think they were just like parrots repeating the learned words. Above all their language was tough and their only aim was to terrorize the readers and get out.
Q: books by non Brahmins?
A: they were simple in language. As they experienced difficulty in learning they were aimed to feed the readers but they were spoon feedings. These people were also interested only to praise the authors of original contents and going on listing out the occasions in which the contents of the original books came true. they were not courageous to point out the loop holes .
Q: are you brave enough and courageous to point out the loop holes?
A: Yes. I hadn’t stopped with pointing out the loop holes I was able to build a theory and method to minimize the failures with the grace of almighty.
Q: Generally astrologers try to prove it as a science. If it is a science what is the need fro the grace of almighty?

( To continued)

Friday 23 April 2010

Do you want to know your future?

Don't forget to mention the language in which you are requesting your predictions ie. Tamil,Telugu .( Opting Tamil or Telugu ensures result with in 24 Hrs.  If you want predictions in English it may take up to 3 days
Hi ..
You had visited this page from I think you had read/heard about my invention in astrology that is “ The Logical Remedies for evil effects of the planets". You are eager to know how you can have my consultancy and fee particulars.
Fee particulars:
For a single horoscope : Rs.250/-
( Including detailed predictions/logical remedies/results for dasa bhukthis / and Gochar (On the basis of temporary planetary position)
For a family with couple and a kid :Rs. 500/- only

First you have to pay the fee in any one of the methods mentioned below:

Money Transfer:
You can directly transfer money (fee) from your a/c to my a/c The account particulars are as below:
Name: Sundaresan MuruganA/C No: 30333022274
Name of the Bank : State Bank of India
Branch Name: GREAMSPET Branch Code: 7083
IFSC Code: SBIN0007083
Address: C.B.ROAD City/State: CHITTOOR, AP
Pincode: 517002 Swift Code: N/A RTGS : YES

You can draw a cheque on S.MURUGAN (It is my official name) and send it by post or courier to the below address:
16-113, Swamy Maisthry st,
Chittoor A.P

If you want to pay through M.O you can send to the above mentioned name and address it self.

Mail birth particulars:
Then you have to mail your Date,Month, year ,Time and place of birth to me.
Note: If the place of birth is a small town or a village mention the nearest main town/city/district head quarters.
My mail id:

Predictions & Remedies:
You can have a detailed report based on your horoscope consisting not only the remedies but also a complete predictions about your future. In addition 10 of your questions on your future would be answered by me. A complete report in 5 pages would be mailed to you with in 24 Hrs from the second on which the fee is received .

Don't forget to mention the language in which you want to get your report. You can have your report only in Tamil/Telugu/ or in English for present.

Yours sincerely,
Chittoor.s.Murugeshan @ Murugan

Wednesday 21 April 2010

How the Planets influence you

Hai to every body!
I am Murugeshan a famous blogger in Tamil.. The name of my blog is Naked Truhts .

My blog got one lake 40 thousand hits just in 11 months. The main cause for the success of my blog is logical remedy for the evil effects of the planets. (Navagraha Doshas)

You may question me that as there are number of traditional remedies , what is the necessity for logical remedies.

You may already heard about the sarpadosha or Naga dosha . For this there is a traditional remedy that is “sarpa dosha nivarana pooja at Sri kalahasthi “

One who have sarpa dosha may not get married, may be separated from his better half ,may not have children . For this problems how a pooja conducted may become an ultimate solution. Many of my clients told me that event though they conducted shanthi pooja for many times their problems hadn’t solved. Among who are going through this post may also experience the same.

Before recommending a remedy we have to understand the problem , cause for the problem, how it is started ,how it is working and how it is developing finally how it can be solved.

Every one knows that the planets are the part and partial of this nature. Flood is also a representative of a nature. Can you stop the flood. Even if you may stop it for some time and up to some level with the help of a dam built across the river finds its own way and flows from the two sides of dam. If you don’t open the channels and release some water after some time the flood vanishes the dam and rushes forward.

The traditional remedies also work but just as dams. It is risky. Just you think that one of your friend is having Saturn at the seventh bava. By this he must remain un married or he has to marry a ugly woman. His parents go to the priests and conducts some homa or pooja. (Just as a dam stops the flood)
He may be able to marry a beautiful woman. But he may be separated or he may have an extra marital relation with a ugly woman.

Like this there are several causes for the need for a logical remedy. Ok. Let me complete my theory .

Even though I was a bread hunter and astro consultancy was /is the main source of my earnings.. I had tried my best for the accuracy.

Generally other astrologers forget their clients and their charts as well as they step down from their office. But in my case I was to analayse their charts even after they leave my office.

Just as the astrologers of this generation there was no one to teach me astrology. I was to depend only on books in Tamil & also Telugu. (From 1989 ) I was surprised how the noble saints had calculated the position & movements of the planets . I was stunned to find that the results for the planetary position in charts given in ancient books are materialized in practical life also.

After some time when I got some command on results my mind was to dig how those results are assumed /catched. I was to think deeply.

You please understand that what is result and what is the method of work out.
12X12 becomes one hundred and fourty four. It is result. But adding twelve up to 12 times is the method of work out.

Other astrologers were just satisfied with the result. And just marketing it as a product. But I was to dig the method of calculation. Why because fishes at your hand may decay. But if you learn how to catch fishes you can get fresh one for ever.

I was /am a doubting Thomas. There were many historical changes which took place in human life in the last 5000 years. I was worried that Due to these changes in human life there may be at least some changes in the results given in ancient books

Anyhow I was successful to retrieve the formula which was the basis for the results revealed in ancient books.

Even If you are very fresh to astrology you can easily understand the functions of the planets.

God is the owner of a mess. We are the prepaid regular customers. Planets are the stewards. Our deeds at the previous birth are the balance at the ledger of the God. The same data would be at our pass book also. (Our birth charts)

As well as we visit the restaurant the God looks at the ledger. In it if he founds positive balance he instructs his stewards that serve what you order! If he
Founds pending bills he may instruct stewards to serve just a plate meal or a single cup of tea.

In other words God is the prime minister the planets are the ministers. Just as the PM the God divided all the things on earth in to 9 groups and allotted to the 9 planets. They rule those things. If they are at good position at your horoscope they will give you success at/with/in those things.

The positive position of the planets is your relationship with the ministers. If you have good relationship with a minister you can finish all of your pending works at the particular ministry. If you have rivalry with a minister you cannot knock at his door also.

If you are wise what will you do? You will choose the projects which may come under a particular ministry in which you have influence and avoid all other projects which may come under the portfolio of the minister with whom you have rivalry.

In the same way you can do the same thing in the issue of the planets also. It is the basic for my logical remedies.

(To be cont..)

Top Secrets about your future

Hai to every body!
I am Murugeshan a famous blogger in Tamil.. The name of my blog is Naked Truhts .

My blog got one lake 40 thousand hits just in 11 months. The main cause for the success of my blog is logical remedy for the evil effects of the planets. (Navagraha Doshas)

You may question me that as there are number of traditional remedies , what is the necessity for logical remedies.

You may already heard about the sarpadosha or Naga dosha . For this there is a traditional remedy that is “sarpa dosha nivarana pooja at Sri kalahasthi “

One who have sarpa dosha may not get married, may be separated from his better half ,may not have children . For this problems how a pooja conducted may become an ultimate solution. Many of my clients told me that event though they conducted shanthi pooja for many times their problems hadn’t solved. Among who are going through this post may also experience the same.

Before recommending a remedy we have to understand the problem , cause for the problem, how it is started ,how it is working and how it is developing finally how it can be solved.

Every one knows that the planets are the part and partial of this nature. Flood is also a representative of a nature. Can you stop the flood. Even if you may stop it for some time and up to some level with the help of a dam built across the river finds its own way and flows from the two sides of dam. If you don’t open the channels and release some water after some time the flood vanishes the dam and rushes forward.

The traditional remedies also work but just as dams. It is risky. Just you think that one of your friend is having Saturn at the seventh bava. By this he must remain un married or he has to marry a ugly woman. His parents go to the priests and conducts some homa or pooja. (Just as a dam stops the flood)
He may be able to marry a beautiful woman. But he may be separated or he may have an extra marital relation with a ugly woman.

Like this there are several causes for the need for a logical remedy. Ok. Let me complete my theory .

Even though I was a bread hunter and astro consultancy was /is the main source of my earnings.. I had tried my best for the accuracy.

Generally other astrologers forget their clients and their charts as well as they step down from their office. But in my case I was to analayse their charts even after they leave my office.

Just as the astrologers of this generation there was no one to teach me astrology. I was to depend only on books in Tamil & also Telugu. (From 1989 ) I was surprised how the noble saints had calculated the position & movements of the planets . I was stunned to find that the results for the planetary position in charts given in ancient books are materialized in practical life also.

After some time when I got some command on results my mind was to dig how those results are assumed /catched. I was to think deeply.

You please understand that what is result and what is the method of work out.
12X12 becomes one hundred and fourty four. It is result. But adding twelve up to 12 times is the method of work out.

Other astrologers were just satisfied with the result. And just marketing it as a product. But I was to dig the method of calculation. Why because fishes at your hand may decay. But if you learn how to catch fishes you can get fresh one for ever.

I was /am a doubting Thomas. There were many historical changes which took place in human life in the last 5000 years. I was worried that Due to these changes in human life there may be at least some changes in the results given in ancient books

Anyhow I was successful to retrieve the formula which was the basis for the results revealed in ancient books.

Even If you are very fresh to astrology you can easily understand the functions of the planets.

God is the owner of a mess. We are the prepaid regular customers. Planets are the stewards. Our deeds at the previous birth are the balance at the ledger of the God. The same data would be at our pass book also. (Our birth charts)

As well as we visit the restaurant the God looks at the ledger. In it if he founds positive balance he instructs his stewards that serve what you order! If he
Founds pending bills he may instruct stewards to serve just a plate meal or a single cup of tea.

In other words God is the prime minister the planets are the ministers. Just as the PM the God divided all the things on earth in to 9 groups and allotted to the 9 planets. They rule those things. If they are at good position at your horoscope they will give you success at/with/in those things.

The positive position of the planets is your relationship with the ministers. If you have good relationship with a minister you can finish all of your pending works at the particular ministry. If you have rivalry with a minister you cannot knock at his door also.

If you are wise what will you do? You will choose the projects which may come under a particular ministry in which you have influence and avoid all other projects which may come under the portfolio of the minister with whom you have rivalry.

In the same way you can do the same thing in the issue of the planets also. It is the basic for my logical remedies.

(To be cont..)